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多年以来, Mac用户一直理所当然地自鸣得意他们平台的相对免疫力的病毒和恶意攻击,但它是不可避免的那些日子终将结束。 (如苹果收益的普及,它也获得更多的注意恶意软件开发者,它缺乏的恶意软件正在积极发展,而不是一些特殊的,固有的安全性,保持了真正的Mac “安全”的平台进行。 )
现在我们看到的第一个中等大小的漏洞,以利用苹果机用户。该iServices.A特洛伊木马攻击正在分发通过BitTorrent的,它的伪装成盗版副本新iWork 09 。安装后,恶意软件需要管理员权限,并连接到远程服务器在互联网上,在那里可以得到更多的指示作者命令,安装额外的恶意软件来窃取信息了Mac平台的问题。恶意软件作者也可以完成远程控制机器的任何损害。
安全公司Intego说,刚才20000的机器已经感染截至1月21日,但持续感染的风险是“严重的,用户可能会面临极为严重的后果: ”如果他们受灾的恶意软件。
同时,如果您已受到这块恶意的清除工具可以在这里。 (请注意:我没有测试。 )
For years, Mac users have long been rightfully smug about their platform’s relative immunity to virus and malware attacks, but it’s inevitable that those days will eventually come to an end. (As the Mac gains in popularity, it also earns more attention from malware developers, and it’s this lack of malware being actively developed, not some special, inherent security, that have really kept the Mac a “safe” platform for the time being.)
Now we’re seeing one of the first moderately-sized exploits to take advantage of Mac users. The iServices.A Trojan horse is an attack being distributed via BitTorrent, where it’s disguised as a bootleg copy of the new iWork 09. Once installed, the malware takes administrator access and connects to remote servers over the Internet, where it can be given additional instructions as the author commands, from installing additional malware to stealing information off the Mac in question. The malware creator can also take complete remote control of any compromised machine.
Security firm Intego said that just 20,000 machines had been infected as of January 21 but that the risk of ongoing infection was “serious, and users may face extremely serious consequences” if they are stricken with the malware.
Mac users are suggested to use common sense — that is, don’t try to download and installed pirated software — and to update any antivirus definitions immediately. If you’re a Mac user and aren’t using security software, well, this might be a good time to start.
As well, if you’ve been hit by this piece of malware, a removal tool is available here. (Please note: I have not tested it.)  

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